
Bellows on Motion to Impeach Her After Ruling Trump Ineligible for Ballot: It’s Absurd

‘Don’t impeach someone for doing their job, as directed by the main state legislature’
By Grabien Staff

BELLOWS: "So first, let’s just take the — option. It’s absurd, particularly don’t impeach someone for doing their job, as directed by the main state legislature. And keep in mind for viewers at home who may be new to the issue, Maine is unique in that the main legislature under title 21 a, it’s our election laws, has a specific procedure. So I qualify Trump for the ballot, and they signed his positions and his signature. And then, it was registered to Maine voters who have the right to do that under main law, five of them, two former of against eight senators, kimberly — and Thomas. And the former democratic state senator — who you had on your show earlier, as well as to citizens. They brought that challenge, and under the legislature’s directive to me, I must hold a hearing within five days, which I did, and then I am required by the law to issue a decision on that hearing, within five days of the conclusion of the proceedings. That is my obligation under the law, and under the oath I swore to uphold the Constitution. Now, and you mentioned this earlier, but it’s really important, I in my decisions, suspended the effect of my decision for the appeals process to the court to be carried out, because that — and the rule of law under our state. So, to impeach me for doing my job and following the law here in Maine is absurd, it’s some of this inflammatory rhetoric, attack the person rather than debate the issue at hand, distract the public from the issue at hand, rather than focusing on the rule of law and the Constitution. So, I’ll stop there. I can answer any other questions."

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