
Ben Shapiro Slams ‘Vile, Deviant’ Howard Stern Being Lauded for Calling Boebert a ‘Disgrace’

‘The kinds of behavior that Howard Stern has regularly engaged in, publicly throughout his career are disgusting’
By Grabien Staff


SHAPIRO: “Now, Howard Stern spent pretty much my entire life, from the time I was a teenager on, he was one of the most famous people in America being an absolute deviant, a degraded person beyond all measure. Just to remind you who Howard Stern, the kind of behavior that Howard Stern has regularly engaged in publicly throughout his career are disgusting. I mean, they’re disreputable, they're vile toward women and all the rest. He's one of the most vile people in public life for decades on end, but now Howard Stern is apparently one of our moral exemplars. So over the last couple of days, for example, he has ripped into Lauren Boebert. Now, Lauren Boebert engaged in what I think is disgusting behavior, right, we've talked about it and I made fun of her on the program because it’s just insane to go with your boyfriend to a showing of 'Beetlejuice' and then get handsy with your boyfriend while vaping and then to yell at people 'Do you know who I am?' when you’re removed from the venue is really gross behavior. But you know who doesn’t have a leg to stand on when talking about gross public behavior is Howard Stern, but Howard Stern apparently has no -- he has no compunction about doing any of this. 'No, we don’t need her in Congress, she’s a disgrace to Congress,' says Howard Stern. Now, how is Howard Stern able to get away with all this stuff? Because again, he mirrors the political priorities of the left. You can be as gross as you want to be, so long as you mirror the political priorities of the left."

(Via Mediaite)

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