
Bernie Sanders on Israel: ‘If They’re Going to Take Our Money ... They Cannot Offend American Values’

‘Stop the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people’
By Grabien Staff


SANDERS: “What we are looking at now is one of the more horrific moments in modern history. As you indicated, Hamas attacked Israel in a barbaric way, killed hundreds and hundreds of men, women, and children. Israel has a right to defend itself. I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. But what they are doing now in an indiscriminate way, bombing refugee camps, bombing ambulances, killing thousands of innocent men, women and children, in violation of international law, is simply not acceptable. It has got to stop. And, you know, it is no great secret that the United States provides $3.8 billion every year to Israel. Now, they can say they don’t want the money, fine. But if they’re going to take our money, and Biden wants to give them even more, they have got to recognize that they cannot offend American values, what we stand for, what civilized world stands for.”

(via Twitter)

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