
Beto O’Rourke Calls Out People Who Brought Assault Weapons to His Rally

‘Nobody should show up with one of these weapons to seek to intimidate us in our own democracy’
By Grabien Staff


O'ROURKE: "And these weapons of war, which were designed to kill us on the battlefield, but are killing us in schools and synagogues and Walmarts and churches and concerts and gatherings just like these. It is not enough to stop selling AR-15s and AK-47s. When there are more than 10 million of those potential instruments of terror, we must mandate that every single one of them be brought back, back home, off the streets, out of our lives. No longer a threat to every single one of us.
(Cheering and Applause)
None of us, none of us should face this terror. No one in El Paso, Texas should have to tell me, as they do all the time, that they’re walking around with a target on their back."
MAN: "Do it!"
O'ROURKE: "Nobody should show up with one of these weapons to seek to intimidate us in our own democracy. That’s wrong! That’s wrong!”

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