
Biden Celebrates 14th Anniversary of ObamaCare: ‘Without the Courage of Barack Obama, We’d Never Have Gotten the Affordable Care Act Done’

‘ObamaCare is the most fitting description because Barack did it’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “While the Affordable Care Act has been called a lot of things, especially by our Republican friends, ObamaCare is the most fitting description because Barack did it. Barack did it. It wouldn’t have happened without him. No matter how many times he was told to give up, he never gave up. It was always about the millions of Americans, lying in bed, turning to the ceiling at night, wondering what will happen if my spouse gets cancer or my child gets very sick. Will I have enough insurance? Can I afford the medical bills? Will I have to sell the house? Barack never gave up. That’s character, that’s leadership. Without the courage of Barack Obama, we’d never have gotten the Affordable Care Act done, period.”

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