
Biden: The Border Bill Is ‘Overwhelmingly Supported By Republicans in the House and Senate’

‘This is not your father’s Republican Party’
By Grabien Staff


BIDEN: “For example, you talked about the border, it didn’t pass. Well, guess what? We’re going to pass that border. It’s overwhelmingly, overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate. But because — I don’t know this for a fact, but I was told that Trump was picking up the phone calling the speaker of the House saying, ‘Don’t let it pass.’ Why? Not because he doesn’t think it’s good, but because it will benefit Biden. That’s no way to run a country. That’s no way to deal. Even when we had real divisions, back when I was a young senator, among Democrats and Republicans, that wasn’t the way it worked. And, look, I think — I mean, this is not your father’s Republican Party. This is — you got about 30% of the Republican Party controlling it all, and I think it’s — we’re going to break it.”

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