
Bill Maher and Rep. Crenshaw Pile on Jim Carville’s Claim Dems Beat Republicans 50:1 When It Comes to Job Creation

‘It’s just a bullsh*t thing to say’
By Grabien Staff


CARVILLE: “There have been 51 million jobs created in the United States. 50 million were created under Democratic presidents and one million under Republican presidents. That’s 50 to 1.”
CRENSHAW: “You’ve got to be able to tie — “
MAHER: “First of all. I love you, I love Clinton. That’s a bullsh*t thing to say.”
MAHER: “Because as we both know — well, am I right? Yeah. As we both know, jobs created, it has a lot to do with what the last guy did. Clinton got rid of Glass-Steagall. Did that have anything to do with the collapse in 2008 of the economy? I think it did. So maybe some of the jobs that were lost — “
CARVILLE: “I’m sorry — “
MAHER: “It’s just a bullsh*t thing to say.”
CARVILLE: “I don’t think it is.”
CRENSHAW: “You’ve got to tie a policy to an outcome. I can tie policies from Donald Trump to outcomes. So, you cut taxes, you cut regulations, what does that do? It makes it easier to do business and hire people. So you’re going to have job growth. You had 8% wage increase after inflation under Donald Trump before the pandemic. Actually, 16% if you’re talking about the lowest quintile of earners. Under Biden, it’s been zero.”

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