
Bill Maher: Don’t Go to College, It Makes You Dumb

‘You don’t need four years and a lifetime of crippling debt to learn to hate America when you can just watch five minutes of ‘Selling Sunset’’
By Grabien Staff


MAHER: “Elite schools should no longer be called elite. Just say expensive.
To the older folks I say, college today is not the college you remember. And to the younger people I say, don’t. Don’t do it. You don’t need four years and a lifetime of crippling debt to learn to hate America when you can just watch five minutes of 'Selling Sunset.'
If your parents have 300 grand, they absolutely need to flush down the toilet, put it in crypto, or buy a van, go to a national park and feed yourself to a bear, because any legacy dipsh*t can go to Penn, but a bear, that’s hard to get into."

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