
Bill Maher: I’m Sorry, Biden Is ‘Cadaver Like’

‘He’s going to be Ruth Bader Biden’
By Grabien Staff


MAHER: “Biden just presents as old. It’s not really fair.”
BEHAR: “No.”
MAHER: “Because he’s almost the same age — Trump is almost the same age as him.”
BEHAR: “Yeah, I know.”
MAHER: “But Trump doesn’t present that way. You know, you look at somebody right away. You can kind of just sum them up. I mean, we are not young, but we don’t present as old.”
BEHAR: “Yeah.”
MAHER: “Biden does. I saw him yesterday making that speech.”
BEHAR: “Yeah.”
MAHER: “I mean, I’m sorry, he’s cadaver like.”


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