
Black Mother Who Lost Veteran Son to NYC Crime Crisis: ‘People Are Walking Away from the Plantation of the Democrat Party Once and for All’

‘They target different groups’
By Grabien Staff


BRAME: “— that are going to — going to affect the brown and black community just like the illegals that are being pushed into these communities, sucking up the resources from the longtime residents that live there. Taxpayers, poor taxpayers are now going to have to foot the bill for these people, and we can’t even afford to pay our own rent. All right? Now we have PACs coming down to programs and different things that are going to be cut directly from our community to pay for illegals. All right? There’s a problem with that. There’s a huge problem with it. And, you know, minorities may be silent as far as being vocal. But I believe that in ’24, this new election, the next cycle, we’re going to see an overwhelmingly amount of people that we have not seen in 30 years come out to vote. All right? People are being educated on the voter registration piece, how to change their party affiliation, question number 14 on their voter registration form. And people are walking away from the plantation of the Democratic Party once and for all.”

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