
Bolton: I Know Ukraine Is Disavowing Russia Attacks But I Say ‘More Power’ to Them

‘This is how you take the fight to Russia itself’
By Grabien Staff


PHILLIP: "First of all, do you agree with the White House’s stance there that Ukraine should stay away from striking inside of Russia?"

BOLTON: "No. I think it’s a mistake. That’s not to say that Ukraine should attack without restraint anywhere it can in the country. But it was invaded. It was an act of naked aggression by the Russians. And the idea that you can only defend yourself against that kind of outrage by attacking positions in your own country, I think it's backwards. They are disavowing strikes, maybe they were done by nongovernmental organizations or something, but I say more power to them. This is how you take the fight to Russia itself. You harm supply lines for the Russian forces inside Ukraine. You go after the morale of the Russian people. I think they’re entirely justified in doing it."

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