
Bret Baier Presses MBS on $2 Billion Saudis Gave to Jared Kushner After Leaving White House

‘We have investment, a lot of investment around the globe, a lot of peoples and economical opportunity’
By Grabien Staff


BAIER: “In the Trump Administration, you had a really close relationship with the president’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner. After he left, Saudi fund made reportedly a $2 billion investment in Jared’s new fund he was launching and managing. Do you think that sends the wrong message even if there wasn’t a tit-for-tat, 'I will give you this and you get that?'"
BIN SALMAN: "We look to opportunities and investment. We have a lot of investment around the globe with a lot of people and we call it opportunity."
BAIER: "So if Trump becomes president again, you’ll leave the $2 billion with Jared Kushner?"
BIN SALMAN: "It’s a commitment that PIF have. And when PIV have commitment with any investor around the globe, keep it."

(Via Mediaite)

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