
Bret Stephens: ‘We Should Repeal the Second Amendment’

‘Gun control efforts don’t work because if you can buy one kind of gun in Indiana, you can bring it into Illinois’
By Grabien Staff


STEPHENS: “I was going to say I agree with what Susan said. Gay marriage I think is a very good analogy. I think you can take it in a different direction. Part of the failure of efforts so far is that there hasn’t been a great goal toward which to work. I’ve been saying in the pages of 'The Times,' we should repeal the Second Amendment. And I say this for a variety of reasons, but one of them is often piecemeal gun control efforts don’t work because if you can buy one kind of gun in Indiana, you can bring it into Illinois. But the other thing is it’s going to be very difficult to get at the root of the problem, which is about 300 million guns swimming around in the United States, unless you say, 'No, in fact, you do not have an automatic constitutional right to buy these kinds of weapons often in unlimited quantities.'"

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