
Brian Moynihan: Central Banks that Are Independent and Operate Freely, Tend to Fare Better than the Ones that Don’t

‘And so, I think that’s kind of the American way’
By Grabien Staff


MOYNIHAN: "I think, if you look around the world's economies and you see where fed, central banks are independent and operate freely, they tend to fair better than ones that don't. And so I think that that's kind of the American way. It's been that way. Does that stop people from giving Chair Powell advice or other people? No. I give him advice, you know. So, we all give him advice. And so I think you — we've got to be careful. You know, when he goes up and does the Humphrey Hawkins, he gets lots of advice about where rates should go. So, there's a lot of people that have a view of it. But their job is to sort through it all and say what's best for the U.S. economy on those two dimensions you talked about and be consistent.”

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