
Brzezinski: ‘I Don’t Think that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash Are Planning To Be Hostile’ to Trump

‘I think they want a fair debate’
By Grabien Staff


BRZEZINSKI: “To Charlie's point, hostile interviewers, I don't think that -- I don't think that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are planning to be hostile, I think they want a fair debate."
SCARBOROUGH: "Well, they'll be tough to both sides."
BRZEZINSKI: "I think they will be tough to both sides."
BRZEZINSKI: "And I think the hostility, from what we're seeing already from the Trump campaign, is coming from Trump toward them to try and create hostility. And I'm sure that they will be elegant and fair and --"
BRZEZINSKI: "-- try their best to ask Donald Trump -- and this is his worst nightmare -- basic questions."
BRZEZINSKI: "Basic questions, to Charlie's point. And he will have a hard time."


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