
Buttigieg: ‘Encouraging’ to See Boeing Employees ‘Err on the Side of Reporting’ Safety Concerns

‘The concerning part is that any of those issues are happening at all’
By Grabien Staff


BUTTIGIEG: "There’s an encouraging part and a concerning part. The encouraging part is we want Boeing and any producer in the aviation space to have a culture of, if you see something, say something. We want to make sure those mechanisms for reporting work. We have both whistleblower mechanisms to let us know something directly at the FAA, but in a healthy company, that should also be happening within the company."
BRENNAN: "Were they discouraging it earlier?"
BUTTIGIEG: "If there were evidence of that, that would lead to direct action. I’m not here to make an accusation like that at this time. If anything, we want you to err on the side of reporting. So that’s the encouraging part. The concerning part, of course, is that any of those issues are happening at all.” 

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