
Byron York: ‘Abortion Turned Out to Be an Issue at the G-7’

‘It was really interesting to see how powerful this issue is domestically for Joe Biden that he takes it to the G-7 as well’
By Grabien Staff


YORK: "Abortion turned out to be an issue at the G-7—kind of a collision between American politics and Italian politics. There was a final statement from the 2023 G-7 that supported access to abortion. And Biden just wanted that to be repeated in this statement and the new leader of Italy did not. And they took the word abortion out. Biden had threatened, actually, not to sign it if they did that. But they essentially reaffirmed their commitment to last year’s statement so they found a diplomatic way out of it. But it was really interesting to see how powerful this issue is domestically for Joe Biden that he takes it to the G-7 as well."

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