
Capehart: Black Support for Trump Is a ‘False Narrative’

‘The sample size on that poll was 119 respondents for a national poll’
By Grabien Staff


CAPEHART: "This inroads, this notion that Trump has made inroads is a result of a New York Times/Siena poll that came out in February where, shockingly, it said that Trump was getting 23 percent of black support. Now, when this — when I was confronted with this, I was like, do you even know the sample size? Sample size. Because I don't believe that. And you ask any black pollster, and they're like, 'Um, i's not there.' The sample size on that poll was 119 respondents for a national poll."

NAWAZ: "You think it's a false narrative?"

CAPEHART: "I think it's a false narrative. We go through this every four years, will black voters show up? Oh, the support is softening. Oh, my God. It feels like, to lots of us, that these narratives are perpetuated so that, if the Democrat loses, no matter what race, oh, well, the African Americans didn't show up, so it's their fault. And with the president's speech, yes, he made the moral argument about democracy and masculinity and everything, but he also talked specifics, $16 billion invested in HBCUs, cutting black child poverty. What got the biggest applause line was student debt relief.”

(via RealClearPolitics)


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