
Carol Lee: People Around Biden Are Saying He Can’t Turn This Around, He Can’t Win

‘After two weeks since the debate that this just isn’t something he can turn around’
By Grabien Staff


LEE: "What we learned, in talking to a number of sources, is that there are people who are around the president, it’s not just lawmakers outside of the president’s circle, it’s not just Democrats out in states or party leaders, it is people who are actually working on the president’s re-election effort, who privately are saying after two weeks since the debate that this just isn’t something he can turn around. Their view is they’re looking at numbers, they're looking at the money from donors that’s dropping off. They’re already reassessing to downgrade what their expectations are for bringing in money, fundraising for this month. They’re already cutting back on certain fundraisers in terms of the number of people who will be there and how much money they’re going to raise. So they’re looking at this whole set of data and saying that this is not a winnable situation and that this is not something that the president can turn around and believe that he needs to get out of the race.” 

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