
Cavuto to Ramaswamy on Pardoning Trump: What Would Be Good About That?

By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: "So let me ask you, when you talk about wanting to pardon Donald Trump for this, why? What would be good about that, if you became president of the United States, to pardon him?"
RAMASWAMY: "I think the right answer for this country is to move forward, not to get into a weaponized tug of war between two political parties that then make a habit of using politicized police force against their political opponents. That is the stuff of banana republics. That is not what I want to see the United States of America devolve into. We should be able to disagree, disagree fiercely with one another, but still sort out those disagreements through our civic process, culminating at the ballot box where every person's voice and vote counts equally. That is how we do things in the United States, not by eliminating our opponents using back-door mechanisms.”

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