
Cevallos on Trump: Jurors Don’t Like Defendants Who Act Out, That’s Why Attorneys Beg Clients to Just Sit There

‘He could make or break his case with his misbehavior in the courtroom’
By Grabien Staff

CEVALLOS: "And don’t fall asleep, because here’s the thing, the jurors are watching every criminal defendant all the time. That is the criminal defendant you have never heard of. In this case, with the most infamous criminal defendant, there watching him the entire time. The lawyers will be looking to see if they can get eye contact with the jurors because they will be staring at him the entire time. I don’t want to sound dramatic, that he could make or break his case with his misbehavior in the courtroom. Maybe what he does not realize is that the same approach that has worked in the media does not work in court, because jurors don’t like defendants who act out. That is why attorneys like me beg our clients to just sit there, take notes, do not tug at my sleeve, don’t roll your eyes or shake your head. Some clients listen and other clients don’t. But I can tell you, most of trial work can feel like astrology. That is a tried-and-true rule, that a defendant that misbehaves in court will be punished by a jury."

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