
Chad Wolf: The Biden Admin Is Responsible for ‘Over 250 Known or Suspected Terrorists’ in the Country

‘Have they been removed from the United States, he will not answer that question’
By Grabien Staff


WOLF: "I’m glad you brought this up. This is an issue that is not good enough attention. Since a Biden ministration took over you have over 250 known or suspected terrorists. Apprehended along the southern border. Those are just the ones we apprehends. You have the millions millions o they are known and suspected terrorists in those numbers as well. These are threats but real threats to the helmet these are individuals the U.S. government and its partners no are engaged in terrorist activity and yet they continue to flow into the United States month after month after month. If you hear the second day he will get asked in a congressional setting do you know where these individuals are? Have they been removed from the United States he will not answer that question. He will not tell the American people the department has is for every single one of them are. All of them have been removed back to their home countries or elsewhere by their not in the United States posing a danger to the American people he will not answer that question and I think that is alarming."

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