
Charles Blow: There’s No Downside to Trump’s Rally in the Bronx

‘This is signaling to other people, has nothing to do with New York, has nothing to do with the Bronx’
By Grabien Staff


BLOW: “Right. You said it yourself in your question. He’s not going to win New York. He’s not going to win The Bronx. But that audience is not The Bronx. The audience is everyone else in states that he could possibly win, and what he tries to do, and there’s no downside for him to do this, by the way, he’s trying to signal to other people, signal to people in swing states who are white who don’t want to be thought of as voting for a racist to soften the ground and say maybe he’s not a racist and also to shave off a couple points among blacks and hispanics who say I don’t want to vote for a racist. They say maybe he’s not as racist as they say he is. This is signaling to other people, has nothing to do with New York, has nothing to do with The Bronx.”

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