
Charlie Hurt: MSNBC Hired John Brennan, Who Lies Constantly on Air, But Ronna Is Where They Draw the Line?

‘NBC and MSNBC are arms of the Democrat Party’
By Grabien Staff


HURT: “And we’ve always known NBC and MSNBC are — they are arms of the Democrat Party, and this is perfectly clear now, they don’t make any apology about that. But the idea that the problem here is that somebody is associated with the Republican nominee, one of the people running in the presidential election, kind of makes you wonder why anybody would look at them for anything other than straight up propaganda from the other side. But the other thing that just blows my mind about this is that they’re attacking her for being a liar. They employed John Brennan, who is former CIA director, who has lied extensively to people. But not only that, John Brennan got caught spying on United States senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He got caught doing that. He had to admit that he was — and he lied about it. He was lying to them and spying on them. And so the idea that they have no problem with a former CIA director who lies constantly on their airwaves, but Ronna McDaniel, that’s where they draw the line? It’s — these people are ridiculous, and it’s very hard to take them seriously."

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