
Cheney to Colbert Insisting that GOP’s Mantra of ‘Gov’t Is the Problem’ Caused Trump’s Rise: ‘I Think You Should Let Me Answer It’

‘You and I are not going to agree on that’
By Grabien Staff


COLBERT: "So you say you people believe public institutions can take the punishment that Trump will give them and that's why he's not as dangerous as he should be, but the Republican Party’s mantra has been 'The government is the problem' for so many years."
CHENEY: "Yeah, but see, it’s really important, in my view, that we not sort of slide into saying everything the Republicans have ever done is somehow the same as what Donald Trump is doing."
COLBERT: "I’m not saying anything. I’m saying those are breadcrumbs."
CHENEY: "You and I are just not going to agree on that. I mean, I think — "
COLBERT: "I know we're not going to agree, but you do understand why I am asking that question?"
CHENEY: "Yeah, but I think you should let me answer it."
(Cheering and Applause)
COLBERT: "Go ahead."

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