
Chris Matthews Gushes over Biden, Compares Him to FDR, Eisenhower: He Stopped Putin, ‘Everything Is Going Swimmingly’

‘They are doing a great job’
By Grabien Staff


MATTHEWS: “We're building NATO, as it was built to be when it was first formed to stop Russia, to stop Russia's advancement into Western Europe. And look where we've stopped them. At the Ukraine. In Ukraine. That's where we stopped them. And in the Balkans. It's extraordinary what Blinken has done and Jake Sullivan have done, and what the president's done. Altogether, they're doing a great job. But here at home, and you talked about that earlier this morning, this distinction where people cannot say -- when you said in your article for 'The Atlantic,' they can't believe it. They can't believe it. Which is everything is doing pretty well. We have inflation it's continued but it's going down. Everything is going -- it's going swimmingly.”


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