
Chris Matthews on Biden: ‘We Sit Here and Don’t Know What Condition He Is In’ Because They Are Not Transparent

‘This president is very protected’
By Grabien Staff


MATTHEWS: “I'll tell you one thing I’ve noticed in the last couple days.  There is a huge distinction between the people who are on the true inside, the true inside with the candidate or a president, and everybody else in the world. You cannot break through. They’re really tight. This crowd around the president, and maybe two, three personal aides, even within that area of just very, very small people who are keeping it completely secret, we don’t know. We sit here and don’t know what condition he is in, what episodes have come on, how often the episodes have occurred since maybe the Super Bowl, when they turned down that tremendous opportunity to speak to the country. So, we don’t know how long it’s gone or how episodic it is. We don’t know anything, really. This is incredible story, the power of the very tightly knit Biden crowd. It’s not even a crowd, it’s a few people. This president is very protected."

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