
Chris Murphy: With 3,000 Children Dead Inside Gaza Today, Israel Has To Be More Targeted and More Thoughtful

‘The current level of civilian casualties inside Gaza is too high, both from a moral perspective and a strategic perspective’
By Grabien Staff


MURPHY: "So, let me first be clear, I don’t think we can square the world’s order, I don’t think we can protect America nor Israel if Hamas can’t held accountable. And so I believe that Israel has to continue the fight to end Hamas’ military capabilities to be able to strike Israel again. I simply believe that the current level of civilian casualties inside Gaza is too high, both from a moral perspective and a strategic perspective. What we have learned in our own country’s counterterrorism operations is that when you are too permissive of civilian casualties, you kill a lot of militants but you also create a lot of terrorists as well because that civilian harm becomes bulletin board material for terrorist recruiters. So, I want to see Hamas’ military capabilities defeated. I want to see Israel keep up this fight. But with 3,000 children dead inside Gaza today, that number is just simply too high."

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