WALLACE: "This was an extraordinary performance, but it was classic Trump. You saw all the notes that he can play. He was combative at times, he got into a fight with Jim Acosta of CNN .I have to say I thought Acosta’s behavior was shameful."
FAULKNER: "Have you seen the video with that woman? It's tough to watch."
WALLACE: "Yeah, I was watching it live when it happened and he just refused to sit down and stop answering questions. I’ve never seen anything like it, I’ve covered the White House with Ronald Reagan for six years. In terms of the news, I think the most interesting thing was a real olive branch, but an olive branch with some thorns to Nancy Pelosi who I know will speak in a couple of moments. He said basically, 'I want to deal with you, but if you begin investigations and you start going for my tax returns and stuff, that’s not going to happen.' He also said on what was clearly a split decision last night, they won and kept control and expanded their control of the Senate but they lost the House, he called it a tremendous victory. But the peace offensive and the effort to try to win over Nancy Pelosi was fascinating. And what will be interesting to see is, when she speaks in a couple of minutes, how she will respond to it. But also the tenor of the news conference, quite extraordinary. Most of the people there were serious reporters asking serious questions, but Jim Acosta I thought embarrassed himself today."