
Chris Wallace on Taylor Swift’s Person of the Year Title: ‘Oh Please ... How About Some of the Other Finalists Like Xi Jinping?’

‘I like Taylor Swift, although I prefer her earlier songs’
By Grabien Staff


WALLACE: “Let me be clear from the jump. I like Taylor Swift, although I prefer her earlier songs like ‘You Belong with Me,’ to some of her more recent stuff. And I understand she has a huge cultural and economic force. But when Time Magazine this week named her its Person of the Year, I thought, oh, please. First of all, hasn’t Taylor received enough well-deserved coverage this year? And how about some of the other finalists like Xi Jinping, or Sam Altman of OpenAI? But then Time wouldn’t have gotten the Taylor cover and it wouldn’t have gotten the interview with Taylor who doesn’t do interviews. To me it sure looks like a pure marketing play for a magazine that used to have a circulation of more than 4 million and is now down to a little more than 1 million. And I am sure that some of my colleagues on this panel fell for it.”

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