
Chris Wallace Panel Speculates Whether Trump Is on Ozempic After Looking ‘Rather Svelte’ in Easter Pics

‘The New York Times, my employer, actually ended up writing to the campaign to formally ask them if he was on Ozempic’
By Grabien Staff

(via Mediaite)


GARCIA-NAVARRO: “This Easter weekend there was a very touching photo of former President Trump with two of his grandchildren. And he’s looking, if you see there, rather svelte. And that caught the eye, as you can imagine, of many on social media and elsewhere. And there has been a lot of chatter about whether he is on the big O. And by that, I mean Ozempic, to the point where The New York Times, my employer, actually ended up writing to the campaign to formally ask them if he was on Ozempic. And the reason I find this interesting is because Trump is larger than life. That is his brand. He’s a big guy. And this shrinks you. And so it might be that he wants to be healthier. It might be that he wants to be more attractive on camera for the campaign. But it also might be that it could hurt him in the end because he just doesn’t seem quite as imposing perhaps if he does go on the Ozempic journey, which I know you guys have.”

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