
Christie Goes on Fox to Defend FBI Director Wray While House Republicans Are Grilling Him on the Hill

‘What you saw today ... was an animated and combative FBI Director who’s defending the men and women who work for him every day’
By Grabien Staff


CHRISTIE: “Is it all fixed? Of course it’s not all fixed. Jim Comey and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch drastically harmed the Department of Justice and FBI, and Chris Wray has now spent years fixing that. Now, are there going to be disagreements? Of course, there will always be disagreements between Congress and the executive branch, and they would like more information and he has obligations under grand jury rules to not give everything they want to give. But I will tell you something. What you saw today, I think, was an animated and combative FBI director who is defending the men and women who work for him every day and do a great job and protect us from domestic terrorism, from international terrorism, and from these drug cartels and are helping state and local law enforcement every day with their things. So, yeah, I think Chris Wray has done a very good job and I think a lot of stuff you've seen today, John, is theater, people trying to raise money for campaigns. Doesn't mean there aren't problems at the FBI, there are, but I believe Chris is a guy who can get them fixed and has fixed a lot of them already."

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