
Chuck Todd: Trump May Be Getting His 2016 ‘Swagger’ Back as ‘Outside Disrupter’

‘When Trump is winning, or he thinks he’s ahead, he’s actually a different person’
By Grabien Staff

(via Twitter)


TODD: “Maybe just — I think Vaughn could probably speak to this now, the Donald Trump at Detroit and those events he did, he was oddly loose. He was trying to be funny and all of this, where from about 2017 to 2022 we had — and even 2023 through the primaries, it’s been nothing but angry grievance Trump, right? Angry, angry, angry. It’s interesting, if he somehow drops the grievance, he could end up looking more like that 2016 candidate —“

TUR: “Maybe.”

TODD: “— where he’s the outside disrupter.”

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