
CIA Cyber Ops Program Manager Says Execs and Directors of CIA Withheld Information from Trump

‘So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump’
By Grabien Staff


O'KEEFE: "Amjad Fseisi states the higher ups within the intel community, including CIA directors, Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel. And the upper levels of their staffs colluded to withhold information from sitting President Trump."
[clip starts]
OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: "So the agencies kind of like all got together and said, 'We're not going to tell Trump..."
FSEISI: "The higher-ups."
FSEISI: "Put it this way. The -- the executive staff. We're talking about the director and his subordinates."
OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: "Like, what titles are they?"
FSEISI: "The director of the CIA."
OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: "Director of the CIA would keep [informations from Trump]?"
FSEISI: "Yes."
OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: "Are you guys still watching him [Trump]?"
FSEISI: "I would say yes."
OMG UNDERCOVER JOURNALIST: "And it sounds like you guys are still watching him [Trump] and his team."
FSEISI: "Of course! Of course, we are. Nothing goes by without somebody watching."
[clip ends]


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