
Claire McCaskill on Trump Ad: ‘I Don’t Know Whether To Be Frightened By the Ad or to Laugh Out Loud’

‘It’s kind of lame’
By Grabien Staff


MCCASKILL: "It's kind of lame. I don’t know whether to be frightened by the ad or to laugh out loud. He is walking down a hallway looking grim. So what? This is a guy who – he has convinced a cash likely reckons that somehow he is a victim and a murder. That is why this whole’s question about transparency of the charles is important. We all remember that in the 90s, wouldn’t decades ago, America watched a trial, we all know that it mattered that America saw that trial. For many meant that there was injustice. For others it was about time. So we held police accountable for sloppy procedures. But the bottom line is, everybody saw the evidence. That is why it is interesting that Trump’s lawyers want a televised trial. I would not won one if I were Trump’s lawyers because he cannot act out in the courtroom. He cannot do this kind of bs in a courtroom. It is not allowed. The rules apply in a courtroom. Only evidence that is rightfully under the law can be presented, not his lies, not his biases, not his silly conspiracies that make of us think scratcher heads and wonder how could anybody believe this stuff."

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