
Clay Travis Bulldozes Howard Kurtz After Fox Host Fact Checked His Claims on Biden

‘I think he knew that his political career — believed that his political career — was over’
By Grabien Staff


TRAVIS: “My theory is when Joe Biden got passed over for Hillary Clinton, I think he knew that his political career — believed that his political career — was over and basically said, ‘let’s turn on the money spigot. It’s time for me to really cash in on my career, because I’m probably not going to have a career going forward politically. Let’s start making money.’ Look, Tony Bobulinski, 10 percent for the big guy. The text message, the WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden threatening his Chinese business partners that if he didn’t get paid immediately, there would be hell to pay while saying he was sitting next to his dad. The 20 calls, as you mentioned. The Burisma prosecutor being fired. The Russian oligarch paid three and a half million dollars left off any list of impropriety there. There is tons of evidence that the Biden Department of Justice has covered up — Look at the testimony under oath of the two IRS agents. All of that is very credible.”

(Via Mediaite)

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