
Clyburn Blames Biden’s Debate Performance to ‘Preparation Overload’

‘I think there should have been less preparation for this debate and much more activism in his job’
By Grabien Staff


CLYBURN: "The fact of the matter is, I've made it very clear, ever since the morning after, that is Friday morning, that I think people ought to just chill out. This is something that denotes what can happen any time a sitting president takes it upon himself to debate. It has happened historically. I saw it happen to Ronald Reagan, it happened to Barack Obama, and now it has happened to Joe Biden. When you have been running the country as he has been for 3 1/2 years, faced with all of the issues that he is faced with, you don’t have time to sit aside and make up stories about the past or to forget about what is going on around you. You've got to face your job. He has been doing that. And so, for him, to go into preparation and what I have been calling this, a classic example of preparation overload, I just think that there should have been much less preparation for this debate and much more activism in his job."

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