
Clyburn: ‘We Are Unified in Support of Joe Biden’

‘I don’t believe that we are unanimous in our support for the president but we are certainly unified in that support’
By Grabien Staff


CLYBURN: “I have said to people , all day yesterday, if you can imagine, I was on the phone with donors, representatives of donors, with voters and what I am hearing, the majority of the people that have contacted me are all in for the president. And so I don’t believe that we are unanimous in our support for the president but we are certainly unified in that support. I don’t understand why people often get mixed up in those two words. We ought not be unanimous on anything. We are unified. Back when the Republicans were trying to — every single vote up for Democrats went to our leader. I have never seen anybody, in all the votes of the Democrats to go to the leader before. We are a unified party and we are unified in support of Joe Biden.”

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