
CNBC’s Liesman on Jobs Report Revisions: ‘Conspiracy’ & ‘Total Bunk’ that Gov’t Tried to Make Economy Look Better in an Election Year

By Grabien Staff


KERNEN: “And when I was reading it, it said it was because the pandemic once again skewed some figures that there were births, but they didn’t take into account the deaths from the pandemic? Therefore, there was some business formation that didn’t happen? Did you read all that, Steve?"

LIESMAN: "I did, Joe. But I don’t think it’s — I don’t think it’s endemic to the pandemic, so to speak."

KERNEN: "What was it? Well, hopefully it wasn’t — hopefully it wasn't trying to gild the lily and make the economy look better during an election year. I’m trying to work for you here."

LIESMAN: "That conspiracy stuff, Joe, is total bunk. You know that.”

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