
CNN Analyst: The Cocaine at W.H. Might Have Belonged to a Staffer or a Member of Press

‘They’re going to go through a lot of motions before they are at the stage where they’re going to need to interview people’
By Grabien Staff


MILLER: “So, no. That’s a possibility because people who come through the tours go through there. But that area is — there’s — you’ve been through that entrance, I’ve been through that entrance. It’s — there’s a canopy right there, it comes in off the street. And then you go in there, there’s a bunch of cubbies where you put your phones, if you’re going to one of those restricted areas where you can’t carry a phone, like the Situation Room or somewhere else, where people can put other belongings. And it was found right by where those cubbies are. So that could be a staffer. That could be a member of the press who was there for a specific interview with someone on that side of the West Wing.”

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