
CNN Panel on Haley Skipping Slavery as a Cause of Civil War: ‘She Didn’t Handle it Well’; ‘Serving as Her Worst Own Enemy’

‘Little moments like that do add up’
By Grabien Staff


SHAH: “What we saw in her answer, her inability to come out with the word 'slavery' right away, on its face, answer the question boldly shows that she does the exact playbook that I’ve seen non-courageous Republican candidates take. They continue to say, 'Well, I don’t have to answer the question. What do you think is the answer?' This is something I always advised against, because it does come back to bite you. When you are showing a version of yourself that is authentic and courageous, and then you go another way, this is what is complicated, again, about Nikki Haley. We have to look at her for who she is. She is somebody that's caught up and serving as her own worst enemy. She’s caught up in what she thinks she ought to be on most days to Republican electorate, and then she knows, she has a moment to set this legacy forward, just like she did in the aftermath of the church shooting in South Carolina in talking about taking down that flag. She is a complicated candidate. She will continue to have missteps like this and this is what worries me. You can’t go mano y mano with Donald Trump when you complicate yourself like this over and over again."

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