
CNN’s Berman to Rep. Meeks: Donald Trump Jr. Testified, Why Is Hunter Biden Different?

‘Donald Trump Jr. Would not want to testify in a public forum’
By Grabien Staff


BERMAN: "Just to be clear, Donald Trump Jr. -- Donald Trump Jr. did appear in various depositions. So why then is Hunter Biden different than Donald Trump Jr., who did testify behind closed doors?"
MEEKS: "Well, Donald -- Donald Trump Jr. testified, and he had a choice also. I think that if he had said he wanted to testify in a public forum, he would have been granted the ability to testify in a public forum. I think Donald Trump Jr. did not -- wouldn't -- would not want to testify in a public forum. I think that is more important so that the public can see what's taking place in -- in that regard. And so Donald Trump, I believe, Jr. did not necessarily want the public to hear and see what he has to say.”


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