
CNN’s Dougherty on Ukraine Attacks on Moscow: ‘They’re Hitting Places … that Go to the Heart of the System that Putin Has’

‘It’s the business center, kind of like Putin’s capitalist Wall Street’
By Grabien Staff


DOUGHERTY: “You know, Fred, I think this is an important one, because even though the Russians would say, well, we knocked them down and took them out of commission, those drones or at least the remnants hit an area that is really symbolic. That’s part of downtown Moscow, right in downtown, it’s called Citi, 'city' in Russian, the same word, and it is skyscrapers, it’s the business center, kind of like Putin’s capitalist Wall Street for Putin’s so-called capitalism. And so hitting that is in line with what’s been happening by the Ukrainian attacks, which is hitting places that are symbolic, that go to the heart of the system that Putin has, and even --remember, they hit the Kremlin, they hit some areas outside of Moscow where the rich people live, the elites. This is all on purpose. They may not militarily really do a whole lot, but symbolically, they’re important.”

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