
CNN’s Jennings: Incumbent Harris Can’t ‘Wash Off’ Biden’s Blunders

‘There’s just a complete ignoring of the fact that she’s the sitting vice president’
By Grabien Staff


JENNINGS: "Yes, I totally agree with that. And that's the one thing about the convention that I think they couldn't wash off. And they're trying. And with this new TV ad from Kamala Harris, there's just a complete ignoring of the fact that she's the sitting vice president, that she's been at the center of American public affairs for a number of years, that she has a voting record, that she has public statements, and that she has a record for the last 3.5 years. I don't know how they plan to cure that. I suspect at some point she's going to have to look into a television camera and answer this question. Can you name one or two things that you think Joe Biden has done wrong? And she's going to have to decide whether to answer that question or not. It's hard, because the most consequential decisions he made, she was either the last person in the room on Afghanistan, her words, or she went up to the Senate and cast a tie-breaking vote. So I don't know how she's going to break with him. But if she wears him for the rest of the election, it will be very difficult to win."

(Via Breitbart)

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