
CNN’s Miller on Threats Against Colo. Judges: Trump Is Pouring Gasoline on the Fire with Very Personal Attacks

‘He goes and makes very personal attacks against the judges who rule against him’
By Grabien Staff


MILLER: "Well, we're seeing this threat stream light up with this kind of vitriol because of a couple of factors. One, there is what you could call the Trump factor, which is, he goes and makes very personal attacks against the judges who rule against him, which pours gasoline on the fire within the chat rooms where a lot of this threatening language is being discussed. And the other factor is simply the anonymity offered by internet platforms where people go by screen names or handles. One of the things that the FBI really brings to this case is their ability to take something that under the law would be considered an illegal threat, which is more than angry talk, it is a threat to commit violence against a public official for doing their job, and trace that back to the individual because of the Bureau’s technical abilities."

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