
CNN’s Rampell Destroys Kamala Harris’ Economic Agenda: ‘We’ve Seen This Kind of Thing Tried in … Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union’

‘It leads to shortages, it leads to black markets’
By Grabien Staff


RAMPELL: “If you look at the legislation that, as I mentioned, is already in the Senate, led by Senator Warren and Senator Bob Casey and a slew of others, the particular way that this is written, which is likely to be the template for any proposal that Harris would eventually embrace, is especially bad in that it just bans excessive prices, grossly excessive prices, grossly excessive profit margins, and says that the Federal Trade Commission can use any the metric it deems appropriate to decide what that — what that would mean, which basically says, like, it‘s not going to be markets, it‘s not going to be supply and demand that's determining how much your grocery store charges you for milk or for eggs, it‘s going to be some bureaucrat in D.C., which seems like totally unworkable, first of all, for the FTC to be deciding, like, how much Kroger charges for eggs in Michigan. But it also would be very bad for markets. We‘ve seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before, Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union, et cetera. It leads to shortages, it leads to black markets, you know, plenty of uncertainty.”

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