
CNN’s Smerconish to Oxford University Epidemiologist: ‘I Don’t Want People to Think That You’re Here Saying [Masks] Don’t Work’

Dr. Tom Jefferson: ‘It’s more likely than not that they don’t work’
By Grabien Staff


SMERCONISH: “So, I’m hoping to bring clarity to viewers because it’s very hard to follow as laypeople. It sounds to me, Dr. Jefferson, as you are saying, we don’t know. And by the way, when I look at the author’s conclusion, and I’ll put this on the screen, the author’s conclusion from the most recent of these flat out says, there is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. I don’t want people to think that you’re here saying they don’t work. It sounds to me like you’re here saying I can’t tell if you they do or they don’t work. But please speak for yourself.”

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