
CNN’s Tapper Slips Up, Says Trump ‘Participated in an Erection’; ‘I Have to Say, I Got Up at 5 This Morning’

‘I’m exhausted’
By Grabien Staff


TAPPER: “Right, the Colorado Supreme Court, of course, wasn‘t saying however partisan people might have thought the decision was, their official explanation was not they didn‘t like Donald Trump, they said he participated in an erection, and I have to — an insurrection. Sorry, an insurrection. And I have to say, I got up at five this morning to do Kasie Hunt show and I‘m exhausted. So, when Trump was impeached for the insurrection, most Republicans in Congress said no, no, no, this is not for Congress to decide, this is for courts. But now the Colorado Supreme Court weighs in, and the U.S. Supreme Court says, no, no, no, this is for Congress. So I guess, what do you say to the people out there who wonder, is the 14th Amendment even supposed to be taken seriously?”

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