
CNN’s Zeleny: ‘Depressing’ that Republicans Are ‘Questioning’ FBI

‘It’s stunning really when you think from the campaign cycles gone back — gone by’
By Grabien Staff


ZELENY: "It's stunning, really, when you think from campaign cycles gone by, that Republicans are questioning and sort of anti-law enforcement. It's sort of mind-bending that we are at this point, but we absolutely are. And at every Republican campaign event, every Republican candidate really running for office at any level, there is this skepticism built in of the FBI, of the government of law enforcement because of Donald Trump. I mean, that's what we're talking about. So, this is a manifestation of the Trump era here. Look, I'm not sure anything was accomplished this morning in terms of advancing the ball at all with the — aside from just question after question being asked about this. It's almost a performance, a Republican candidate has to do this now. They have to question the FBI. But never mind the people who are actually working in the FBI, there are a couple of them get headlines for, you know, some of their roles in investigating the former president, but the vast majority of them are, you know, hard-working Americans, many Republicans, some Democrats, et cetera, some non-partisan, and it's — it's a little depressing."


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