
CNN’s Zeleny on Kamala Harris’ Economic Plan: ‘One Thing She Did Not Say Is How Any of This Would Be Paid for’

‘Of course, that is not uncommon in a presidential campaign’
By Grabien Staff


ZELENY: “I mean, the contrast in every respect could not have been more clear. In terms of the Trump tariffs, she really broke it down. She said it’s a Trump tax on gas, a Trump tax on food. So what this is doing by having her finally give a policy speech, it‘s shining a broader light on his policies. And there are gaps in both of them, no doubt about it. One thing she did not say is how any of this would be paid for. Of course, that is not uncommon in a presidential campaign. This is an aspirational level. He never says how he would pay for his plans either, but what I did think, and this is the point of it obviously, is to draw a contrast obviously with him, but on the middle class and help explain herself.”

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